Thursday, July 24, 2008

The missing piece

in my years of experience, I have discovered that there’s no one life that is perfect,
everyone has a lack of something.
Some couples are very loving, monthly salary of 10K+, but they could have problems
bearing child.
Some people have the looks and talent, but could have a rough time in relationships.
Some people have lots of money, but they don’t have filial children.
Some people look to have a good life, but their brain could be empty all their life.
Everyone’s life has been designed with imperfections,
you may not want it, but it will follow you.
I used to hate my imperfection,
but now I have learnt to accept it with open arms
Because I understand that the flaw in life is like a spike on our backs,
reminding us to be humble and to emphatise with others.
If there are no hardships, we will be complacent. If there is no depression, we
cannot emphatise and console those who are less fortunate.
I also believe that life cannot be too perfect, having a crack to let happiness
flow to others is a beautiful thing.
You don’t have to have everything.
If you have everything, what’s left for the others?
Also recognise that life has flaws,
that I will not compare myself with others,
instead cherish what you already have.

So, don’t go around envying others, count the blessings that Heaven
has bestowed upon you, you will find that there are more things
that you have than things that you don’t have
And what you do not have, although not lovable, is very much part of your life,
accept and appreciate it, and your life will be much happier

If you are a clam,
Do you want to bear all the pains to produce a pearl…..or you do not want the
pearl and choose to live comfortably?!
If you are a mouse,
you suddenly find yourself captured in a rat trap and in front of you is a piece of
delicious cake,
do you eat the cake or not?!
Early piggy banks are made of clay, once it is filled, it has to be broken…
If there is such a piggy bank, no money has been put into it, until today and it has
become a very priceless antique…..
Which piggy bank do you wish to be?!
Everytime you think of it, note down your answers…
Until a day when your answers does not change….
Then you are mature
Find someone who understands you…
and also hope you are that someone who understands him/her...
The intelligent like to guess people’s heart…
Although everytime they get it right, they will lose their own...
T he innocent and naive love to give their hearts…
Although they get laughed at everytime but they would have won
over other people’s hearts...
The fish said: I can’t see my tears because I am in the water...
The water said: I can feel your tears because you are in my heart...

Monday, June 30, 2008

Welcome to Aceh

Centuries ago Aceh was a prominent port of call for Chinese, Indian, European and Arab traders. In fact, its capital city, Banda Aceh, derives its name from the Persian word ‘Bandar' which means ‘port' or ‘haven'. This vibrant "Free Trade Zone of yore", is credited with ushering in and spreading Islam in South East Asia. It is therefore also called "The Port to Mecca".
[read more]

Even today, despite diverse external influences, Aceh remains predominantly an Islamic nation.

It's easy to find yourself an Aceh Hotel simply by clicking on Aceh Hotels. If you'd prefer to choose your accommodation in Aceh based on the hotel's location, click on our Aceh Map first.

Aceh (Ah - Chay), lies to the northern tip of Sumatra. Officially called Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), it is a special territory of Indonesia. Aceh is surrounded by the Indian Ocean , the Malacca Straits and the North Sumatra province. It has a rich and enduring legacy as the Gateway to South East Asia, and is known to be the first region of Indonesia to have come in contact with the outside world.

Aceh is rich in natural resources, with sizeable deposits of coal, oil and gas, which are responsible for generating a major portion of its national income. Exports of fisheries and, forestry and plantation products like wood, palm oil, rubber, coconut and coffee contribute another sizeable chunk to the national income. And last but not least, Aceh also generates income from tourism. With beaches, lakes, plantations, forests and historical monuments, Aceh makes an interesting getaway with a long list of exciting things to see and do and tours to enjoy..

Aceh shot into prominence with the tsunami of December 2004, as it was closest to the epicentre of the quake in the Indian Ocean. Over 170,000 people were feared dead, almost 500,000 were rendered homeless and its capital Banda Aceh lay shattered and in ruins. Almost 2000 bridges collapsed. More than 1500km of roads were destroyed. Aceh was almost cut off from civilization, although fortunately not wiped off the face of the earth!

The people of Aceh are resilient. They are known to guard their independence fiercely, whether from the onslaught of the Dutch colonial powers of yesteryear, the Indonesian government, or even the tsunamis and earthquakes. Fuelled by an old Acehnese saying that there is no rain that does not stop, no war that does not end and no wave that does not drift back into the sea, Aceh has risen again to put itself together and go on, with the accent clearly on rebuilding Aceh's tourism sector. Every tourist can therefore be considered an architect of Aceh's reconstruction.


Do it, now
You know who you are
You feel it in your heart
And your burning and wishin

But first wait, won't get it on a plate
Your gonna have to work for it harder and harder
And I know cause i've been there before
Knockin on the doors with rejection (rejection)
And you'll see(you'll see) cause if it's meant to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dreams

[ Chorus ]
It's amazing, it's amazing
all that you can do
It's amazing, it makes my heart sing
Now it's up to you

Patience now frustration's in the air
And people who don't care
Well it's gonna get you down
And you'll (you'll) fall (fall)
[ Find more Lyrics at ]
Yes you will hit a wall
Get back on your feet
And you'll be stronger and smarter

And I know i've been there before
Knockin down the doors wont take no for an answer
And you'll see cause if it's meant to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dreams

[ Chorus ]
It's amazing, it's amazing
all that you can do
It's amazing, it makes my heart sing
Now it's up to you


It's amazing, it's amazing
all that you can do
It's amazing, it makes my heart sing
Now it's up to you

It's amazing, it's amazing
all that you can do
It's amazing, it makes my heart sing
Now it's up to you

Thursday, June 26, 2008


"aku tak selalu mendapatkan apa yang kusukai, oleh karena itu aku selalu menyukai apapun yang aku dapatkan"
Bersyukurlah bahwa kamu belum siap memiliki segala sesuatu yg kamu inginkan... Seandainya sudah, apalagi yg harus diinginkan?

Bersyukurlah apabila kamu tidak tau sesuatu... Karena itu memberimu kesempatan utk belajar..

Bersyukurlah untuk masa2 sulit.. Dimasa itulah kamu tumbuh..

Bersyukurlah untuk keterbasanmu... Karena itu memberimu kesempatan untuk bkembang..

Bersyukurlah untuk kesalahan yg kamu buat.. Karena itu akan mengajarimu pelajaran yg berharga

bersyukur utk setiap tantangan baru.. Karena itu akan membangun kekuatan & karaktermu..

"the best n most beautiful things in the world can't be seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart"

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

melawan kekosongan

Karena tidak ada apa2 sebelumnya, maka semua kegiatan menulis adalah menulis melawan kekosongan.. Mark Strand.
Kosong ini harus aku isi semampu aku, aku akan mencoba melawan kekosongan yg terasa begitu menakutkan, karena kosong bukanlah habitat yang normal karena kita adalah makhluk dataran, jalanan kota bukan makhluk kehampaan


Seandainya semua orang tiba2 menjadi bijak, matang dan terkendali, tak ada lgi kisah tentang seseorang yang perlu dituliskan, ditertawakan, dan diberi simpati.. Stanley B. Stefan